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Hifz Academy Parent-Teacher Association (HA-PTA) 

   Our HA-PTA is organized every fall with a mission to contribute significantly to the success of all students. Any parent who has children enrolled at Hifz Academy or staff who is a paid employee shall be deemed a member whose standing is based on complying with the purpose and basic policies of Hifz Academy. The role of 

the HA-IPTA is advisory in nature. There are no dues levied. HA-IPTA has the following duties: 

  1. To promote an atmosphere in which children can grow as individuals, each aware of his/ her own worth and value in society. 
  2. To foster an awareness among parents of the need for their participation in the total education of their child(ren). 
  3. To develop united efforts between educators and the public that will secure for every child the highest achievements in religious, mental, social, and physical education. 
  4. To provide a forum for constructive communication between parents, teachers and administration. 
  5. To sponsor community, social, and fundraising activities to promote the general welfare of Hifz Academy and its students. 

Membership is open to any parent/guardian who has a child enrolled. 

Classroom Opportunities/Classroom Parent 

Our goal is to secure two classroom parents that support classroom activities and teachers. This is a full year commitment. Classroom parents will serve as liaisons between the teachers, the HA-PTA, and other classroom parents. Their functions include such duties as: 

To coordinate helpers for special classroom activities 

To create a forum for communication among classroom families 

To support parents group activities 

To coordinate celebration events for families 

To welcome new families to the classroom  and our school community

Classroom parents for each classroom will be selected at the beginning of each school year. 

School-wide Opportunities: 

Hifz Academy also offers school-wide volunteer opportunities. 

  • Events: Volunteers help organize, decorate and clean up school events such as Qu’ran Competitions, annual Science Fair, 100 Days of School, School Spirit Week and other school activities. 
  • Beautification: Volunteers improve and maintain the beatification of our school campus. 
  • Hospitality: Volunteers help provide refreshments for school events, supervise student volunteers or help clean up the event. 
  • HA-PTA Meetings: All parents are invited to attend planned meetings and to learn about and work on school initiatives. 
  • Family Picnic: Volunteers help coordinate and publicize the Family Picnic, or volunteer on the day of the event. 

Voluntarism is the means by which parents and community members contribute services to the school. Parent volunteers are very important to the success of the school. Parents are encouraged to volunteer a few hours each month based on their expertise as assistants, homeroom mothers, lunch duty observers, parent tutors, maintenance work assistants, or in many other valuable services to the students and the operation of the school.