Peace Academy
PreKindergarten - Voluntary PreKindergaten (VPK)
Assalamu Alaikum
I.S.T.A.B.A. Peace Academy provides children from age 1 through age 4 with the highest quality care and memorable experiences to prepare young minds along their educational journey. All of our classrooms follow creative and interactive curriculums, so that we can provide the necessary tools your child needs to succeed. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality Islamic and academic educational experiences.
Hours of Operation
Our hours of operation are from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Our free Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) program is from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Hours for School Readiness clients are determined according to the School Readiness voucher.
If you need financial assistance please visit www.elchc.org for School Readiness (income based) or VPK (free for all children who are 4 or 5 years old by September 1).
If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact the Director, Sr. Mariam Razak at 813-940-5533 or send email correspondence to director@istabapeace.org.
Admission Process
Please click on PARENT ACCOUNT to create your account. After you created your account, an email link will be sent to your email account for you to verify your email.
Next, click here to log into your parent account and complete our online student admission application. The following admission documents are needed to complete your online application:
Personal Documents Required
- Birth Certificate
- Florida Physical Health Examination Form DH 680 (Out-of-state/country transferred Forms are acceptable and are good for 30 days). *For students entering 6th/7th Grade Health Form must reflect scoliosis screening date and result. For student entering K-12 Health Form must reflect Visions & Hearing screening date and result. Health Form must be within 12 months from date of last health examination.
- Florida Certification of Immunization Form DH 3040 (Out-of-state/country transferred Forms are acceptable and are good for 30 days).
- Child custody court documents, required if parents are divorced/ separated and share custody of any child/children
- Individual Educational Plan (IEP)/ Individual Service Plan (ISP) / Psychological Evaluation Report / 504 Plan / Speech or Physical Therapy / Gifted (While we are requesting these documents to be able to evaluate potential candidates for admission, our school have limited resources, and we may not be able to accommodate all applicants)
- Copy of Driver's Licenses or State ID for one or both parents
After all documents are uploaded, you will have the opportunity to review your application for completeness before submitting it. Our online application fee is $30.00 per student and must be paid for your application to be submitted. Peace Academy will only look at submitted applications. Applications are processed in the order they are received. Incomplete applications will be return to parents if it contains missing or incomplete information or documents are missing, so please do your best to provide everything that is needed prior to submission.